The place I stay in Osaka
While I am in Osaka, we stay at my sisters place. She has extra two rooms that becomes our bed room and my office and kids play room. She has bakery business so every morning we have fresh coffee ready and some good bread. They work long hours, from 6 oclock till mid night when Christmas get closer. Location of her bakery is right in old shopping arcade. This kind place is getting less and less by big shopping place opening around, this is one of last place still very active in Osaka area.
I made her new shop almost 8 years ago. Wrapped steel post with logs, made furniture and floor. Floor was utilizing left over from log work and it turned out great. Width are un even width, but placing boarder in legth, it worked very well and looks great. Used ordinaly nail also left some wayne to make look rustic.
My yourger sister also display her work in this bakery.
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